
Master Thesis

Kreisler, A. (2010). Geschiebemessung Drau - Vergleich von direkten und indirekten Messmethoden. Master thesis, BOKU Vienna.

Gmeiner, P. (2010). Direkte Sohlschubspannungsmessung an einem Kiesbettfluss. Master thesis, BOKU Vienna.

Peer reviewed journal publications (** SCI-listed)

**Abderrezzak, KE, Moran, AD, Mosselman, E, Bouchard, JP, Habersack, H, Aelbrecht, D (2014): A physical, movable-bed model for non-uniform sediment transport, fluvial erosion and bank failure in rivers. J HYDRO-ENVIRON RES. 2014; 8(2): 95-114.

**Habersack, H, Haspel, D, Kondolf, M (2014): Large Rivers in the Anthropocene: Insights and tools for understanding climatic, land use, and reservoir influences. WATER RESOUR RES. 2014; 50(5): 3641-3646.

**Habersack, H, Haspel, D, Muhar, S, Waidbacher, H (2014): Preface: Impact of human activities on biodiversity of large rivers. HYDROBIOLOGIA. 2014; 729(1): 1-2.

**Habersack, H, Haspel, D, Schober, B (2014): Morphological characterization and fluvial processes of large rivers at different time scales. GEOMORPHOLOGY. 2014; 215: 1-2.

**Habersack, H, Tritthart, M, Liedermann, M, Hauer, C (2014): Efficiency and uncertainties in micro- and mesoscale habitat modelling in large rivers. HYDROBIOLOGIA. 2014;729(1): 33-48.

**Haimann, M, Liedermann, M, Lalk, P, Habersack, H (2014): An integrated suspended sediment transport monitoring and analysis concept. INT J SEDIMENT RES. 2014; 29(2): 135-148.

**Hauer, C, Unfer, G, Holzapfel, P, Haimann, M, Habersack, H (2014): Impact of channel bar form and grain size variability on estimated stranding risk of juvenile brown trout during hydropeaking. EARTH SURF PROC LAND. 2014; 39(12): 1622-1641.

**Hauer, C., Mandlburger, G., Schober, B., Habersack, H. (2014): Morphologically related integrative management concept for re-connecting abandoned channels based on Airborne LiDAR Data and habitat modelling. RIVER RES APPL.2014; 30(5): 537-556.

**Liedermann, M, Tritthart, M, Gmeiner, P, Hinterleitner, M, Schludermann, E, Keckeis, H, Habersack, H (2014): Typification of vessel-induced waves and their interaction with different bank types, including management implications for river restoration projects. HYDROBIOLOGIA. 2014; 729(1): 17-31.

**Politti, E, Egger, G, Angermann, K, Rivaes, R, Blamauer, B, Klösch, M, Tritthart, M, Habersack, H (2014): Evaluating climate change impacts on Alpine floodplain vegetation. HYDROBIOLOGIA. 2014; 737(1): 225-243.

**Rakowitz, G, Berger, B, Schludermann, E, Tritthart, M, Keckeis, H (2014): Deep pools of the Danube River: ecological function or turbulent sink?. HYDROBIOLOGIA. 2014; 729(1): 143-159.

**Rickenmann, D, Turowski, JM, Fritschi, B, Wyss, C, Laronne, J, Barzilai, R, Reid, I, Kreisler, A, Aigner, J, Seitz, H, Habersack, H (2014): Bedload transport measurements with impact plate geophones: comparison of sensor calibration in different gravel-bed streams. EARTH SURF PROC LAND. 2014; 39(7): 928-942.

**Schludermann, E, Liedermann, M, Hoyer, H, Tritthart, M, Habersack, H, Keckeis, H (2014): Effects of vessel-induced waves on the YOY-fish assemblage at two different habitat types in the main stem of a large river (Danube, Austria). HYDROBIOLOGIA. 2014; 729(1): 3-15.

**Habersack, H, Gerstl, M, Glossl, J (2013): Lifeline Danube Sustainable River Basin Management requires international Coordination. GAIA. 2013; 22(1): 67-69.

**Habersack, H; Haspel, D. (2013): Sediment loads and processes in large rivers; INT J SEDIMENT RES. 2013; 28(4): I-I.

Habersack, H; Haspel, D; Campell, I. (2013): World’s large Rivers – Special Issue Preface; International Journal of River Basin Management , Vol. 11, No. 2, 137-137; ISSN 1571-5124

Habersack, H., Jäger, E., Hauer, C.. (2013): The status of the Danube River sediment regime and morphology as a basis for future basin management; International Journal of River Basin Management , 11:2, 153-166; ISSN 1571-5124

**Habersack, H, Klösch, M, Blamauer, B (2013): River Restoration and Bed Stabilization at the Upper Drau River. WASSERWIRTSCHAFT. 2013; 103(7): 61-68.

**Habersack, H, Walling, D (2013): The Hydrology of Large Rivers Preface. HYDROL PROCESS. 2013; 27(15): 2103-2104.

**Hauer, C, Schober, B, Habersack, H (2013): Impact analysis of river morphology and roughness variability on hydropeaking based on numerical modelling. HYDROL PROCESS. 2013; 27(15): 2209-2224.

**Hauer, C, Unfer, G, Holzmann, H, Schmutz, S, Habersack, H (2013): The impact of discharge change on physical instream habitats and its response to river morphology. CLIMATIC CHANGE. 2013; 116(3-4): 827-850.

**Liedermann, M, Tritthart, M, Habersack, H (2013): Particle path characteristics at the large gravel-bed river Danube: results from a tracer study and numerical modelling. EARTH SURF PROC LAND. 2013; 38(5): 512-522.

**Hauer, C, Unfer, G, Graf, W, Leitner, P, Zeiringer, B, Habersack, H (2012): Hydro-morphologically related variance in benthic drift and its importance for numerical habitat modelling. HYDROBIOLOGIA.2012; 683(1): 83-108.

**Schludermann, E, Tritthart, M, Humphries, P, Keckeis, H (2012): Dispersal and retention of larval fish in a potential nursery habitat of a large temperate river: an experimental study. CAN J FISH AQUAT SCI. 2012; 69(8): 1302-1315.

**Welti, N, Bondar-Kunze, E, Singer, G, Tritthart, M, Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S, Hein, T, Pinay, G (2012): Large-scale controls on potential respiration and denitrification in riverine floodplains. ECOL ENG. 2012; 42: 73-84.

**Hauer, C, Unfer, G, Tritthart, M, Formann, E, Habersack, H (2011): Variability of mesohabitat characteristics in riffle pool reaches: Testing an integrative evaluation concept (FGC) for MEM-application. RIVER RES APPL. 2011; 27(4): 403-430.

**Hauer, C, Unfer, G, Tritthart, M, Habersack, H (2011): Effects of stream channel morphology, transport processes and effective discharge on salmonid spawning habitats. EARTH SURF PROCESS LANDF. 2011; 36(5): 672-685.

**Krapesch, G, Hauer, C, Habersack, H (2011): Scale orientated analysis of river width changes due to extreme flood hazards. NAT HAZARD EARTH SYS. 2011; 11(8): 2137-2147.

**Tritthart, M, Schober, B, Habersack, H (2011): Non-uniformity and layering in sediment transport modelling 1: flume simulations. J HYDRAUL RES. 2011; 49(3): 325-334.

**Tritthart, M, Liedermann, M, Schober, B, Habersack, H (2011): Non-uniformity and layering in sediment transport modelling 2: river application. J HYDRAUL RES. 2011; 49(3): 335-344.

**Tritthart, M, Welti, N, Bondar-Kunze, E, Pinay, G, Hein, T, Habersack, H (2011): Modelling highly variable environmental factors to assess potential microbial respiration in complex floodplain landscapes. ENVIRON MODELL SOFTW. 2011; 26(9): 1097-1111.

Non-peer reviewed journal publications

Habersack, H; Hauer, C; Haimann, M; Kreisler, A. (2014): Methoden des Feststoffmonitorings (Geschiebe, Schwebstoff) in alpinen Einzugsgebieten; Wildbach- und Lawinenverbau, 173, 36-47; ISSN 978-3-9503089-7-6

Hauer, C, Blamauer, B, Mühlmann, H, Habersack, H (2014): Morphodynamische Aspekte der Ökohydraulik und Habitatmodellierung im Kontext der rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen. Österr. Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 56.JG, 66, 169-178

Hauer, C..(2014): ÖKOHYDRAULIK – Integrative Methoden in Wissenschaft und Praxis im Spannungsfeld der europäischen Richtlinien (Hochwasser-, Wasserrahmen- und Erneuerbare Energie); Österr. Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 56.JG, 66, 159-168

Holzapfel, C, Wagner, B, Zeiringer, B, Graf, W, Leitner, P, Habersack, H, Hauer, C (2014): Anwendung der Habitatmodellierung zur integrativen Bewertung von Schwall und Restwasser im Bereich der Wasserkraftnutzung. Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 66, 179-189; ISSN 0945-358X

Kreisler, A; Aigner, J; Liedermann, M; Habersack, H. (2014): Geschiebemessung in Österreich; Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 66, 297-305; ISSN 0945-358X

Lalk, P; Haimann, M; Habersack, H .(2014): Monitoring, Analyse und Interpretation des Schwebstofftransportes an österreichischen Flüssen; Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 9-10/14, 306-315; ISSN 0945-358X

Habersack, H., Petschl, T., Korber, S., Hauer, C.. (2013): Optimierung von Wasserkraft und Ökologie bei Erneuerung oder Revitalisierung bestehender Anlagen - "win-win" – Ansatz; Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 65, 315-323; ISSN 0945-358X

Habersack, H., Wagner, B., Schoder, A., Hauer, C.. (2013): Die Bedeutung von Feststoffhaushalt und Sedimentdurchgängigkeit für eine nachhaltige Nutzung der Wasserkraft; Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 65, 354-361; ISSN 0945-358X

Hauer, C., Unfer, G., Graf, W., Holzapfel, P., Leitner, P., Habersack, H.. (2013): Grundlagenuntersuchung und Methodikentwicklung zur Bewertung des Wasserkraft-Schwalls bei unterschiedlichen Flusstypen; Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 65, 324-338; ISSN 0945-358X

Hauer, Ch; Unfer, G; Habersack, H; Pulg, U; Schnell, J. (2013): Bedeutung von Flussmorphologie und Sedimenttransport in Bezug auf die Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit von Kieslaichplätzen; KW–Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft, 4/13, 189-197; ISSN 1865-9926

Habersack, H, Schober, B (2013): Überflutungsflächenverlust und Hochwasserrisiko - Ergebnisse auf Basis der FEM-Methode. In: ÖWAV, Die EU-Hochwasserrichtlinie - Teil II: Gefahren- und Risikokarten für Österreich
[ÖWAV-Seminar: Die EU-Hochwasserrichtlinie - Teil II: Gefahren- und Risikokarten für Österreich, Wien, 11.12.2013]

Wagner, B (2013): Wasserkraftausbau und Ökologie. In: Wirtschaft & Umwelt, 1/2013, 18-20.

Wagner, B, Habersack H, Hauer, C, Schoder, A (2013): Sedimentmanagement bei Wasserkraftwerken. In: Wasserkraft, 39, 10-11.

Habersack, H; Klösch, M. (2012): Monitoring und Modellierung von eigendynamischen Aufweitungen an Drau, Mur und Donau; Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 64/7-8, 411-422; ISSN 0945-358X

Habersack, H., Liedermann, M., Tritthart, M., Hauer, C., Klösch, M., Klasz, G., Hengl, M.. (2012): Maßnahmen für einen modernen Flussbau betreffend Sohlstabilisierung und Flussrückbau – Granulometrische Sohlverbesserung, Buhnenoptimierung, Uferrückbau und Gewässervernetzung; Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 64, 571-581; ISSN 0945-358X

Habersack, H, Wagner, B, Hauer, C, Jäger, E (2012): Wasserkraft in Österreich - aktueller Bestand und Decision Support System (DSS WASSERKRAFT). Österr. Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 56.JG, 64/5-6, 336-343; ISSN 0945-358X

Haimann, H; Liedermann, M; Naderer, A; Lalk, P; Habersack, H. (2012): Innovatives Schwebstoffmonitoringkonzept - Innovative Ansätze auf Basis direkter und indirekter Methoden; Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 64, 535-543; ISSN 0945-358X

Hauer, C., Keckeis, H., Tritthart, M., Liedermann, M., Habersack, H..(2012): Optimierung der Habitatmodellierung an großen Fließgewässern unter Berücksichtigung von flussmorphologischen Prozessen auf unterschiedlichen Skalen; Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 64, 553-563; ISSN 0945-358X

Hengl, M; Krouzecky, N; Huber, B; Habersack, H. (2012): Überprüfung der sohlstabilisierenden Wirkung der Granulometrischen Sohlverbesserung mittels physikalischer Modellversuche; Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 64, 564-570; ISSN 0945-358X

Kreisler, A, Habersack, H (2012): Erste Ergebnisse der Geschiebemessungen an der Urslau. Wildbach- und Lawinenverbau, 169, 180-189

Liedermann, M., Gmeiner, P., Niederreiter, R., Tritthart, M., Habersack, H. (2012): Innovative Methoden zum Geschiebemonitoring am Beispiel der Donau; Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 64, 527-534; ISSN 0945-358X

Tritthart, M., Liedermann, M., Klösch, M., Habersack, H. (2012): Innovationen in der Modellierung von Sedimenttransport und Morphodynamik basierend auf dem Simulationsmodell iSed; Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 64, 544-552; ISSN 0945-358X

Welti, N, Bondar-Kunze, E, Tritthart, M, Pinay, G, Hein, T (2012): Nitrogen dynamics in complex Danube River floodplain systems: effects of restoration. River Systems, 20, 71-85; ISSN 1868-5749

Conference proceedings

Gmeiner, P, Liedermann, M, Pessenlehner, S, Tritthart, M, Habersack, H (2014): Accompanying monitoring: enabling adaptive planning and construction during a river restoration project at the Danube. In: Universidade Federal do Amazonia (UFAM), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) (Eds.), Second International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers, USB-Proceedings (Abstracts)
[Second International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers, Manaus, BRAZIL, JUL 21-25, 2014]

Habersack, H., Gmeiner, P., Glock, K., Tritthart, M.. (2014): Erosion and sedimentation at the lower Danube River and the implications of counter measures for economic use and ecosystem In: Universidade Federal do Amazonia (UFAM), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) (Eds.), Second International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers, USB-Proceedings (Abstracts)

Habersack, H., Schober, B., Hauer, C..(2014): Hochwasserschäden an Gebäuden: Konsequenzen aus der Ereignisdokumentation 2013 In: Internationale Forschungsgesellschaft INTERPRAEVENT, "Stand der Technik" im Naturgefahren-Ingenieurwesen - Proceedings-Band

Hauer, C, Holzapfel, P, Habersack, H (2014): ownstream evaluation of hydropeaking processes for the design and implementation of future mitigation measures. In: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, E-Proceedings
[10th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, Trondheim, June 23rd - 27th, 2014]

Holzapfel, P, Hauer, C, Graf, W, Leitner, P, Habersack, H (2014): Integrative analysis of hydropeaking based on numerical modelling of macroinvertebrates and fish in an alpine stream. In: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, E-Proceedings
[10th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, Trondheim, Jun 23 - 27, 2014]

Holzapfel, P, Hauer, C, Habersack, H (2014) : Modelling fluctuating turbidity due to hydropeaking operations. In: Universidade Federal do Amazonia (UFAM), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) (Eds.), Second International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers
[Second International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers, Manaus, BRAZIL, JUL 21-25, 2014]

Klösch, M; Habersack, H. (2014): Deriving formulas for gravel transport velocity from tracer measurements In: CRC Press/Balkema, Schleiss, AJ, De Cesare, G, Franca, MJ, Pfister, M (Eds), Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, 1913-1920

Liedermann, M, Gmeiner, P, Tritthart, M, Glas, M, Habersack, H (2014) : Occurrence and characterization of bed forms at the Danube to the east of Vienna. In: CRC Press/Balkema, Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, RIVER FLOW 2014, 1075-1080. [7th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, RIVER FLOW 2014, Lausanne, SWITZERLAND, SEP 3-5, 2014]

Liedermann, M, Gmeiner, P, Tritthart, M, Habersack, H (2014) : Monitoring during the construction phase of a restoration project at the Austrian Danube enabling adaptive planning. In : European Centre for River Restoration, 6th European River Restoration Conference, Abstract Proceedings
[European River Restoration Conference, Vienna, AUSTRIA, OCT 27-29, 2014]

Liedermann, M, Tritthart, M, Gmeiner, P, Hauer, C, Haimann, M, Habersack, H (2014) : Innovative methods of monitoring at large rivers and their application to the Austrian Danube. In: Universidade Federal do Amazonia (UFAM), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) (Eds.), Second International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers, USB-Proceedings (Abstracts)
[Second International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers, Manaus, BRAZIL, JUL 21-25, 2014]

Tritthart, M, Glas, M, Liedermann, M, Habersack, H (2014) : Groyne layout impact on hydrodynamics and morphodynamics at the Danube River. In: Universidade Federal do Amazonia (UFAM), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) (Eds.), Second International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers, USB-Proceedings (Abstracts)
[Second International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers, Manaus, BRAZIL, JUL 21-25, 2014]

Tritthart, M, Glas, M, Liedermann, M, Habersack, H (2014) : Numerical Study of Morphodynamics and Ecological Parameters Following Alternative Groyne Layouts at the Danube River. In: Lehfeldt, R., Kopmann, R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Hydroscience & Engineering, ISBN 978-3-939230-32-8, pp. 684-692
[11th International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, Hamburg, GERMANY, SEP 28 - OCT 03, 2014]

Glas, M, Tritthart, M, Lechner, A, Keckeis, H, Loisl, F, Humphries, P, Habersack, H (2013): Larval drift experiments on a shoreline in a large river: Validation of the particle tracing model in combination with a 3D numerical model. In: University of Miami - RSMAS, Scientific Programm and Abstracts
[37th Annual Larval Fish Conference, Miami, USA, JUN 2-6, 2013]

Habersack, H, Hauer, C (2013): Efficiency and Uncertaintyin Micro- and mesoscale Habitat Modelling. In: IAHR, Proceedings of 2013 IAHR World Congress
[35th IAHR World Congress, Chengdu, CHINA, SEPT 8-13, 2013]

Habersack, H, Liedermann, M, Tritthart, M, Haimann, M, Kreisler, A (2013): Innovatice Approaches in Sediment Transport Monitoring and Modelling. In: IAHR, Proceedings of 2013 IAHR World Congress
[35th IAHR World Congress, Chengdu, CHINA, SEPT 8-13, 2013]

Keckeis, H, Schludermann, E, Tritthart, M, Hauer, C, Liedermann, M, Habersack, H (2013): Habitat preference of the sublittoral fish assemblage in a free-flowing section of the Danube River, Austria. In: Hohe Tauern Nationalpark, 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas, Conference Volume, 353-362
[5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas, Mittersill, JUN 10-12, 2013]

Lechner, A; Keckeis, H; Glas, M; Tritthart, M; Loisl, F; Humphries, P; Habersack, H. (2013): Larval drift experiments on a shoreline in a large river: Larval drift in comparison to numerical passive particles. In: University of Miami - RSMAS, Scientific Programm and Abstracts

Liedermann, M; Tritthart, M; Gmeiner, P; Habersack H. (2013): Sediment transport measurements providing insights on initiation of motion and high flow bedload transport at the Austrian Danube. In: International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG), 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology, Abstracts book

Liedermann, M, Tritthart, M, Hauer, C, Habersack, H (2013): Monitoring and Modelling Sediment and Habitat at the Alluvial Zone National Park of the Austria Danube. In: Hohe Tauern Nationalpark, 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas, Conference Volume, 465-472.
[5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas, Mittersill, JUN 10-12, 2013]

Gmeiner, Ph., Liedermann, M., Tritthart, M., Habersack, H. (2012): Development and testing of a device for direct bed shear stress measurement. In: Rutschmann, P., Grünzner, M., Hötzl, S., Proceedings of the 2nd IAHR Europe Conference, USB-Proceedings
[2nd IAHR Europe Conference, Munich, Germany, Jun 27 - 29, 2012]

Habersack, H. (2012): The World's Large Rivers Initiative. In: Helmut Mader & Julia Kraml , 9th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2012 , USB-Proceedings

Habersack, H., Kreisler, A., Aigner, J., Liedermann, M., Seitz, H. (2012): Spatio-temporal variability of bedload transport. In: Murillo Munoz, R.E. (Ed.), River Flow 2012 Vol. 1, 423-430; Taylor & Francis, London; ISBN 978-0-415-62129-8.
[International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, River Flow 2012, San Jose, Costa Rica, SEPT 5-7, 2012].

Habersack, H., Wagner, B., Hauer, C., Schmutz, S., Formayer, H.. (2012): Interrelations between Climate Change, Hydropower and Ecology. In: Institute of Water Management, Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, 9th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics , USB-Proceedings

Haimann, M., Tritthart, M., Habersack, H. (2012): Modelling the effect of dumping of fine sediment at the Danube River. In: Murillo Munoz, R.E. (Ed.), River Flow 2012 Vol. 2, 1181-1188; Taylor & Francis, London; ISBN 978-0-415-62129-8
[International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, River Flow 2012, San Jose, Costa Rica, SEPT 5-7, 2012]

Hauer, C, Schober, B, Habersack, H (2012): The Impact of Morphological Heterogeneity and Roughness Variability on Hydropeaking Processes based on Numerical Modelling. In: Helmut Mader & Julia Kraml, 9th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics Proceedings
[9th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, Vienna, AUSTRIA, SEP 17-21, 2012]

Hauer, C., Unfer, G., Habersack, H.. (2012): Bewertung von Flussmorphologie und Sedimenttransport in Bezug auf die Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit von Kieslaichplätzen. In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Jahrestagung 2012, Abstractband

Hauer, C., Unfer, G., Haimann, M., Holzapfel, P., Habersack, H.. (2012): The Importance of adressing Alluvial Bed Form and Grain Size Variability in Dewatering Areas of Hydropeaking Reaches. In: Helmut Mader & Julia Kraml, 9th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2012 Proceedings

Klösch, M., Blamauer, B., Habersack, H. (2012). The role of intra-event scale bed morphodynamics for riverbank erosion. In: Murillo Munoz, R. (Ed.), River Flow 2012 Vol. 1, 701-708; Taylor & Francis, London; ISBN 978-0-415-62129-8
[International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, River Flow 2012, San Jose, Costa Rica, SEPT 5-7, 2012].

Kreisler, A; Moser, M; Seitz, H; Rudolf-Miklau, F; Habersack, H. (2012): Bedload Trap measurements as part of an integrative measurement system. In: International Research Society INTERPRAEVENT (Hrsg.), 12th Congress INTERPRAEVENT, 23-26 April 2012. Extended Abstracts.

Liedermann, M, Tritthart, M, Schludermann, E, Keckeis, H, Habersack, H (2012): Long Term Survey of the Impact of Vessel-Induced Waves on different Bank Types and Bank-Near Habitats. In: Institute of Water Management, Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, 9th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2012, USB-Proceedings
[9th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, Vienna, AUSTRIA, SEP 17-21, 2012]

Tritthart M., Liedermann M., Habersack H. (2012): A meso-scale gravel tracer model for gravel-bed rivers. In: Murillo Munoz, R.E. (Ed.), River Flow 2012 Vol. 1, 479-485; Taylor & Francis, London; ISBN 978-0-415-62129-8
[International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, River Flow 2012, San Jose, Costa Rica, SEPT 5-7, 2012.]

Blamauer, B., Klösch, M., Tritthart, M., Habersack, H. (2011): Refining parameterization of bar vegetation roughness based on in-situ-measurements of vegetation bending during flood events. In: Engineers Australia (Ed.), Proceedings of the 34th IAHR World Congress, 3388-3395; ISBN: 978-0-85825-868-6
[34th IAHR World Congress, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA, JUN 26 - JUL 1, 2011]

Gmeiner, Ph., Liedermann, M., Tritthart, M., Habersack, H.. (2011): Development of a device for direct bed shear stress measurement in a gravel bed river. In: EGU (Ed.), Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 13; ISSN 1607-7962

Habersack, H., Jäger, E., Hauer, C.. (2011): The status and future of the hydromorphology of Large Rivers - Example Danube River. In: Habersack, H., Schober, B., Walling, D. (Eds.), International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers, Conference Abstract Book, 164; ISBN: 978-80-7399-518-8

Haimann, M., Lalk, P., Liedermann, M., Schabus, C., Habersack, H.. (2011): Suspended sediment monitoring at the Danube River using optic and acoustic devices. In: Habersack, H., Schober, B., Walling, D. (Eds.), International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers, Conference Abstract Book, 154

Hauer, C., Krapesch, G., Habersack, H. . (2011): Extremes in river morphodynamics on various scales: Basics for hazard analysis and river restoration. In: European Geosciences Union, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13; ISBN: EGU2011-8530-2

Hauer, C., Mandlburger, G., Schober, B., Höfle, B., Habersack, H.. (2011): Habitat modelling from small to large scale. In: Habersack, H., Schober, B., Walling, D. (Eds.), International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers, Conference Abstract Book, 273; ISBN: 978-80-7399-518-8

Hauer, C., Unfer, G., Graf, W., Leitner, P., Zeiringer, B., Habersack, H. (2011): Hydro-morphologically related variance in benthic drift and its importance for numerical habitat modelling. In: American Fisheries Society, New Frontiers in Fisheries Management and Ecology: Leading the Way in a Changing World
[American Fisheries Society 141st Annual Meeting, Seattle / USA, September 4-8, 2011]

Hauer, C., Unfer, G., Habersack, H.. (2011): Sediment continuum, surplus and deficit - Scopes and limits for spawning habitat restoration measures. In: European Geosciences Union, Geophysical Research Abstracts; ISBN: EGU-2011-8571-1

Hauer, C., Unfer, G., Holzmann, H., Schmutz, S., Habersack, H. (2011): The impact of climate change on physical instream habitats and its response to river morphology. In: American Fisheries Society , New Frontiers in Fisheries Management and Ecology: Leading the Way in a Changing World. [AFS 141st Annual Meeting, Seattle / USA, September 4-8, 2011]

Kloesch, M., Liedermann, M., Habersack, H. (2011): Riverbank erosion processes within a major bank restoration project. In: Habersack, H., Schober, B., Walling, D (Eds.), International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers, Conference Abstract Book, 287; ISBN: 978-80-7399-518-8

Klösch M., Habersack H. (2011): Riverbank stability analysis considering the limited longitudinal extent of mass failures. In: EGU (Ed.), Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 13; ISSN 1607-7962

Kreisler, A; Seitz, H; Habersack, H. (2011): Possibilities and restrictions for the deployment of basket samplers used for bedload transport measurements. In: Engineers Australia (Ed.), Proceedings of the 34th IAHR World Congress, 3793-3800; ISBN: 978-0-85825-868-6

Liedermann, M., Tritthart, M., Habersack, H. (2011): Measured and modelled transport paths of artificial tracer stones at a large gravel bed river. In: Engineers Australia (Ed.), Proceedings of the 34th IAHR World Congress, 3606-2612; ISBN: 978-0-85825-868-6. [34th IAHR World Congress, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA, JUN 26 - JUL 1, 2011]

Liedermann, M., Tritthart, M., Habersack, H. (2011): Bedload transport dynamics, initation of motion and high flow transport at the Danube River. In: Habersack, H., Schober, B., Walling, D. (Eds.), International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers, Conference Abstract Book, 135; ISBN: 978-80-7399-518-8

Schludermann, E., Liedermann, M., Hoyer, H., Tritthart, M., Habersack, H., Keckeis, H. (2011): Effects of vessel-induced waves on the YOY-fish coenosis at different habitat types. In: Habersack, H., Schober, B., Walling, D. (Eds.), International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers, Conference Abstract Book, 263; ISBN: 978-80-7399-518-8

Schober, B., Hauer, C., Habersack, H. (2011): Flood retention along the Austrian Danube - Developing a sustainable managing strategy. In: Habersack, H., Schober, B., Walling, D. (Eds.), International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers, Conference Abstract Book, 319; ISBN: 978-80-7399-518-8

Schober, B., Hauer, C., Habersack, H. (2011): Floodplain Morphology at the Austrian Danube and its impact on flood hydrology and hydraulics applying the new FEM-method. In: IAHR (Eds.), Proceedings of the 34th IAHR World Congress, pp. 3769-3776; ISBN: 978-0-85825-868-6
[34th IAHR World Congress - Balance and Uncertainty, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA, JUN 26-JUL 1, 2011]

Tritthart, M., Habersack, H. (2011): Accuracy of bed level interpolation methods commonly applied in large rivers. In: Habersack, H., Schober, B., Walling, D. (Eds.), International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers, Conference Abstract Book, 190; ISBN: 978-80-7399-518-8

Tritthart, M., Liedermann, M., Habersack, H. (2011): Variability in Measured and Simulated Bed Load Transport at a Large Gravel Bed River. In: Engineers Australia (Ed.), Proceedings of the 34th IAHR World Congress, 3793-3800; ISBN: 978-0-85825-868-6
[34th IAHR World Congress, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA, JUN 26 - JUL 1, 2011]

Tritthart, M., Liedermann, M., Schober, B., Habersack, H. (2011): Numerical modelling of sediment transport and morphodynamics in the Danube River. In: Habersack, H., Schober, B., Walling, D. (Eds.), International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers, Conference Abstract Book, 175; ISBN: 978-80-7399-518-8

Habersack, H., Seitz, H., Liedermann, M. (2010): Integrative Automatic Bedload Transport Monitoring. In: Gray, J.R., Laronne, J.B., and Marr, J.D.G. (Eds.), Bedload-surrogate monitoring technologies, U.S. Geological Survey SIR 2010-5091, 218-235

Habersack, H., Tritthart, M., Liedermann, M., Hauer, C. (2010): Micro- and mesoscale habitat modelling in stream restoration. In: Université de Montréal, Conference Abstracts

Habersack, H., Tritthart, M., Liedermann, M., Hauer, C., (2010): Micro- and Mesoscale habitat modelling. In: Korean Water resources Association (KWRA), Bridging between Ecology and Hydraulics and Leading the Society´s New Need - Living with Nature, Proceedings, 900-907
[8th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, Seoul, September 12-16, 2010]

Liedermann M., Gerstl M., Tritthart M., Habersack H. (2010): Monitoring Artificial Tracer Stones at the Danube East of Vienna. In: European Geosciences Union, Geophysical Research Abstracts; Vol. 12, EGU2010-12457

Liedermann M., Tritthart M., Habersack H. (2010): Bedload measurements at the large gravel bed river Danube, based on Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches. In: Université de Montréal, Conference Abstracts, p37

Tritthart, M., Schober, B., Liedermann, M., Habersack, H. (2010): Numerical modelling of sediment transport in the Danube River: uniform vs. non-uniform formulation. In: Dittrich, A., Koll, Ka., Aberle, J., Geisenhainer, P. (Eds.), River Flow 2010, Vol. 2, 977-984; ISBN: 978-3-939230-00-7 [River Flow 2010, Braunschweig, Germany, SEP 8-10, 2010]

Participation in International Conferences (invited lectures)

Habersack, H. (2010). Integriertes Hochwassermanagement an der Donau. ÖWAV Seminar Wasserstraße Donau "Multifunktionalität im Spannungsfeld öffentlicher Interessen", 07.10.2010, Vienna, Austria.

Habersack, H. (2010). Joint Statement Prozess, die Interessensharmonisierung zwischen Ökologie und Schifffahrt. Workshop der Donaukommission "Zukunftsorientierte Fahrrinnenparameter für die Wasserstraße Donau", 29.09.2010, Budapest, Hungary.

Oral Presentations at Conferences

Habersack, H. (2010). Micro- and mesoscale habitat modelling. 8th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, 12.-16.09.2010, Seoul, Korea.

Habersack, H. (2010). Restoration of Alpine rivers. 8th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, 12.-16.09.2010, Seoul, Korea.

Liedermann, M. (2010). Bedload measurements at the large gravel bed river Danube, based on Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches. Gravel-Bed Rivers 7, 06.-10.09.2010, Tadoussac, Canada.

Seitz, H. (2010). Integrative bedload measurement system for large gravel-bed rivers - goals and experiences. Gravel-Bed Rivers 7, 06.-10.09.2010, Tadoussac, Canada.

Conference Posters

Habersack, H. (2010). Micro- and mesoscale habitat modelling in stream restoration. Gravel-Bed Rivers 7, 06.-10.09.2010, Tadoussac, Canada.

Liedermann, M. (2010). Monitoring artificial tracer stones at the Danube east of Vienna. European Geosciences Union, 02.-07.05.2010, Vienna, Austria.

Organization of Scientific Events

Feststoffmanagement in der Praxis - Vorstellung des ÖWAV-Arbeitsbehelfs Fließgewässermodellierung - Feststrofftransport und Gewässermorphologie. 11.05.2011, Vienna, Austria.

1st International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers. 11.-14.04.2011, Vienna, Austria.

2nd International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers. 21.-25.07.2014, Manaus, Amazon, Brazil.